February 29, 2012

AIER Summer Fellowship Program

Dear Friends,
As its alumnus, I would like to encourage economics students to apply for the 2012 Summer Fellowship Program organized by the American Institute for Economics Research located in a picturesque town, Great Barrington, in Massachusetts, USA.

For over 50 years, the AIER summer fellowship has provided direct training and financial support to students pursuing graduate degrees in economics. The program is designed to offer students advanced instruction on three subjects: useful procedures of scientific inquiry; the history of property rights; and sound money. These core seminars are supplemented by lectures from visiting scholars and speakers.

AIER is a non-profit research and educational organization, and most of our educational efforts are carried out through distribution of our publications to the general public. However, the Summer Fellowship Program also forms a key part of our efforts.

To learn more about this year's program, please visit our website at

Who is Eligible?  Gratuate students who are enrolled in a doctoral program in economics or an approved related field such as law and economics or financial history; or graduating college seniors who plan to be enrolled in such a program.

What is the Deadline for Applying? Applications must be received by March 23, 2012

February 21, 2012

The State of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Russia

While the troops of Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad are pounding with shells, mortars, and rockets two cities of Syrian opposition, Horns and Zabadani, the UN Security Council is still in a political stalemate because both Russia and China vetoed the UN action on Syrian crisis. In the light of current state of foreign affairs, it is very interesting to watch the recent meeting of the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations where major stake-holders discuss human rights and rule of law in Russia and the US policy towards Russia. 
The meeting was divided in two panels presided by Senator Shaheen (D-NH). The first panel included excellent experts on Russia such as the Honorable Phil Gordon from Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State and Thomas Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the U.S. Department of State. The second panel included another badge of distinguished specialist on Russia, Honorable David Kramer, President of the Freedom House, Edward Verona, President of the US-Russia Business Council, and Thomas Malinowski, Director the Human Right Watch. You can watch a full video of this panel or read testimonies if you click here. Comments are very welcome.  

February 8, 2012

Ukraine at a Crossroads: What's at Stake for the U.S. and Europe?

Last Wednesday the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations met to discuss a political and economic situation in Ukraine. The panel, presided by Senator Shaheen (D-NH), included Honorable Steven Pifer, the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Damon Wilson, Executive Vice President of the Atlantic Council, Edward Chow, Senior Fellow of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and Eugenia Tymoshenko, daughter of the former prime minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko. You can watch a full video of this panel or read testimonies if you click here. Comments are very welcome.